Here is some necessary infomation for the ones that are atemting to do this hike. Kungsleden is devided into 28 different segments that varies between 8km - 27km in length and 0-1000m in elevation. How long it take to do this hike depends on your physical conditions and will power. The northern part of the Kungsleden is the most well explored part and atracts many people from around the world both winter as well as summer. The most visited part of kungsleden is Abisko-Nikaluokta, this segment is a 7 day hike and it takes you past Swedens highest mountain Kebnekaise at 2106m. For those who dosen't want to spend their night in a tent or carry a lot of weight Kungsleden offers to opportunity to sleep in one of their many cabins along the way which many of them holds a small shop where you can re-supply. Many of these cabins offers simpler facilities souch as outhouses, gas kitchens and fresh water. To be able to use these facilities you have to be a member of the swedish tourist assosiation. Being a member allso gives you a discount on housing.